Two Sisters. One Mission

It all started when Mom decided she wanted to move to Texas. Not sure that Texas might be everything she hoped for, Kelly and her family moved into the property to maintain it while mom figures it out.

Prior to Mom moving, Kelly thought, why don’t we get some chickens so we can have some laying hens by the time we move in there. Not being a baby chick person, she gave the chicks to her sister Christine to raise until they were old enough to free range on the property. Luckily for her, Christine is a baby chick person. But unluckily for her, Christine is also a pullet and cockerel person, and a chicken and rooster person. But Kelly really enjoys being a chicken Aunt so it worked out well.

Along the way, some chicken math happened and their 11 chicks, quickly became 45 hens and 5 roosters. Really what happened was… 4 roosters were in those 11 chicks. And 7 hens is not enough for 4 roosters so we had to by more hens. Unable to eat all those eggs, they gave a lot away to family and friends. Then one day, Kelly said… we should sell the eggs and at least it will pay for the chicken feed. And Christine said… then we can afford more chickens! What should we call it? And Jaden (the daughter of Kelly who is way more creative then her mom) said The Oval Office!! And that is how The Oval Office was born.

The vision is to sell pasture raised eggs, baby chicks, and produce grown on the property. We spent our childhood on a small farm in rural Canada and it is amazing at the difference in food. We want to share with the local community how good food can be when you get away from the supermarket.

Our Offerings

Pasture Raised Eggs, Chicks, Laying Hens, Roosters, Pesticide Free Produce, Free Range Chicken Meat